Graduate Courses in Mathematics (MTH prefix)

502. Mathematical Statistics I - Random variables, discrete and continuous distributions, multiple random variables, distributions of functions of random variables, convergence concepts. Prerequisites: MTH 439 or equivalent.

503. Mathematical Statistics II - Sufficient and complete statistics, likelihood and moment estimation, properties of estimators, interval estimation and hypothesis tests. Prerequisite: MTH 502.

505. Numerical Methods In Differential Equations - Numerical integration, numerical solutions of initial value problems, numerical solutions of boundary value problems. Prerequisites: MTH 305 and 337.

508. General Topology - Metric spaces, topological spaces, and Cartesian product spaces are studied together with certain topological properties such as compactness, connectivity, and separability. Prerequisite: MTH 439.

511. Abstract Algebra I - Groups, subgroups, homomorphisms, isomorphisms, cosets, factor groups, the Fundamental Theorem of Group Homomorphisms, the Fundamental Theorem of Finite Abelian Groups. Prerequisite: MTH 412.

512. Abstract Algebra II - Rings and ideals, vector spaces, fields, integral domains, introduction to Galois Theory. Prerequisite: MTH 511.

513. Complex Variables I - Differential calculus of functions of complex variables. Prerequisite: MTH 439.

514. Complex Variables II - Integral calculus of functions of complex variables. Prerequisite: MTH 513.

517. Linear Algebra - Finite dimensional vector spaces, linear transformations and matrices, with emphasis on numerical aspects. Prerequisite: Undergraduate major in mathematics, including MTH 317.

538. Structure of the Real Number System - Brief review of infinite sets, Peano's postulates, relations, equivalence classes, and isomorphisms. Rigorous development of the integers as equivalence classes of ordered pairs. Development of the real number system using Dedekind cuts. Comparison with Cauchy sequence development, complex numbers and quaternions. Prerequisite: 12 semester hours of advanced mathematics.

539. Real Variables I - Study of functions and metric spaces. Prerequisite: MTH 440.

540. Real Variables II - Study of measure theory and the Lebesque integral. Prerequisite: MTH 539.

545. History of Mathematics - A survey with emphasis on both practical and philosophical developments, and on anecdotal material. Prerequisites: 12 semester hours of mathematics including MTH 233, 234.

555. Technology and Communication in the Mathematical Sciences - Practical training in the use of software for mathematics and statistics; writing mathematics and statistics for publication; developing mathematics and statistics presentations; other issues. Prerequisite: MTH 317 or permission of instructor.

564. Advanced Topics In Mathematics - Topics in advanced mathematics. May be repeated for credit on a different topic with departmental approval. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in mathematics and consent of instructor.

575.* Advanced Graduate Studies - 1 to 3 conference hours per week. Individual studies in advanced mathematics. May be repeated for credit on a different topic with departmental approval. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in mathematics and approval by department chairman.

576.* Advanced Graduate Studies - 1 to 3 conference hours per week. Same as 575 for credit in a different topic.

589.** Thesis Research - 1 to 3 semester hours. Research and preparation for writing the thesis. Prerequisite: Approval of graduate adviser.

590.** Thesis Writing - 3 to 9 semester hours. Writing of thesis. Prerequisite: MTH 589.

* No more than 6 semester hours of Advanced Graduate Studies credit may be counted toward a degree without special permission from the Dean of the College.

** Once a student begins work on a thesis he or she must register for 589 and/or 590 each semester or summer session until the thesis is completed. A student may not register for 590 until the thesis proposal is approved. A maximum of three semester hours each of 589 and 590 will be counted toward the M.S. in mathematics or statistics or mathematics teaching.