Graduate Courses in Mathematics and Statistics

Graduate Courses in Mathematics (MATH prefix)

MATH 5305. History of Mathematics - A survey with emphasis on both practical and philosophical developments and on anecdotal material.

MATH 5310. Structure of the Real Number System - Brief review of infinite sets, Peano's postulates, relations, equivalence classes and isomorphisms. Rigorous development of the integers and rational numbers as equivalence classes of ordered pairs. Development of the real number system using Dedekind cuts. Comparison with Cauchy sequence development.

MATH 5311. Analysis of Functions - This course will provide an in-depth approach to functions. Given a collection of parent functions, students will explore connections from domains and ranges to derivatives. Extensions and connections to complex valued functions will be introduced.

MATH 5312. Abstract Algebra for Educators - This course provides an introduction to the study of algebraic systems with particular emphasis on concrete examples of the basic algebraic structures, groups, rings, integral domains and fields and how these structures appear in high school courses and university courses at the first- and second-year level.

MATH 5315. Real Variables - A brief review of set theory is followed by a detailed study of metric spaces, normed linear spaces and inner-product spaces. Topics such as open and closed sets, along with compactness and completeness, are studied within the context of these spaces. Prerequisite Course(s): MATH 4320, MATH 5320, and MATH 5325

MATH 5316. Real Variables II - Topics such as sigma-algebras, measure and integration of measurable functions are developed and covered in detail. Convergence theorems also are discussed. Prerequisite Course(s): MATH 4320 and MATH 5325

MATH 5320. General Topology - Metric spaces, topological spaces and Cartesian product spaces are studied together with certain topological properties, such as compactness, connectivity and separability.

MATH 5325. Linear Algebra - Finite dimensional vector spaces, linear transformations and matrices with emphasis on numerical aspects.

MATH 5330. Numerical Methods In Differential Equations - Numerical integration, numerical solutions of initial value problems and numerical solutions of boundary value problems.

MATH 5335. Technology and Communication in the Mathematical Sciences - Practical training in the use of software for mathematics and statistics; writing mathematics and statistics for publication; developing mathematics and statistics presentations; and other issues. Prerequisite Course(s): MATH 3360 Non-Course Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor

MATH 5350. Mathematical Statistics I - Random variables, discrete and continuous distributions, multiple random variables, distributions of functions of random variables and convergence concepts.

MATH 5351. Mathematical Statistics II - Sufficient and complete statistics, likelihood and moment estimation, properties of estimators, interval estimation and hypothesis tests.

MATH 5360. Abstract Algebra - Groups, subgroups, homomorphisms, isomorphisms, cosets, factor groups, the Fundamental Theorem of Group Homomorphisms and the Fundamental Theorem of Finite Abelian Groups.

MATH 5361. Abstract Algebra II - Rings and ideals, vector spaces, fields, integral domains and introduction to Galois Theory.

MATH 5370. Complex Variables I - Complex numbers, elementary complex functions and their properties, differentiation and integration of complex functions, and singularities and residues. Prerequisite Course(s): MATH 4319 and MATH 5320.

MATH 5371. Complex Variables II - Line and contour integrals: evaluation, properties and applications, singularities and residues.

MATH 5375. Advanced Topics In Mathematics - Various topics in advanced mathematics.

MATH 5378. Supplemental Support for Graduate Teaching Assistants - This course includes supplemental instruction on teaching mathematics courses and labs, as well as the other duties of graduate teaching assistants.

MATH 5386. Advanced Graduate Studies - This course offers individual studies in advanced mathematics. Credit(s): 1-3 hours.

MATH 5387. Advanced Graduate Studies - Advanced topics in mathematics. Credit(s): 1-3 hours.

MATH 5388. Preparation for Thesis Research and Writing - This course provides an exploration into the thesis reseach and writing process.

MATH 5389. Thesis Research - This course incorporates research and preparation for writing the thesis. Prerequisite Course(s): MATH 5388. Non-Course Prerequisite(s): approval of graduate advisor. Credit(s): 1-3 hours.

MATH 5390. Thesis Writing - Writing of the thesis. Prerequisite Course(s): MATH 5189. Credit(s): 1-9 hours.

Graduate Courses in Statistics (STAT prefix)

STAT 5340. Statistical Analysis I - Probability, statistical inference, rank tests, chi-square tests, linear regression and correlation, analysis of variance, multiple regression.

STAT 5341. Statistical Analysis II - Analysis of variance, multiple comparisons, blocking designs, higher factorial experiments, unbalanced designs, fixed and random effects, nested designs, split-plot designs, analysis of covariance.

STAT 5342. Regression Analysis - Linear regression, non-linear models, multiple regression.

STAT 5343. Stochastic Processes - Markov chains, Poisson and renewal processes, continuous-time Markov processes, including birth and death processes, queuing theory.

STAT 5344. Applied Multivariate Analysis - Cluster analysis, factor-analysis, discriminant analysis, canonical correlation analysis and multivariate analysis of variance and covariance.

STAT 5345. Applied Nonparametric Statistics - An introduction to nonparametric analysis of the following: dichotomous data problems, one- and two-sample location problems, dispersion problems, and the one- and two-way layout. Nonparametric measures of association and basic nonparametric methods in regression.

STAT 5346. Applied Time Series - Time series of regression, autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation functions, autoregressive moving average models, model identification and specification techniques, stationarity and intertibility conditions, seasonal and nonseasonal modeling, forecasting.

STAT 5360. Statistics for Nursing - This course provides an exploration of the applications of statistics to the field of nursing.

STAT 5385. Advanced Topics in Statistics - Various topics in advanced statistics.

STAT 5386. Advanced Graduate Studies - Individual studies in graduate level statistics. Credit(s): 1-3 hours.

STAT 5387. Advanced Graduate Studies - Individual studies in graduate level statistics. Credit(s): 1-3 hours.

STAT 5389. Thesis Research - This course involves research and preparation for writing the thesis. Prerequisite Course(s): MATH 5388 Non-Course Prerequisite(s): approval of graduate advisor

STAT 5390. Thesis Writing - This course involves writing of the thesis. Note: Students completing a thesis must register each semester university resources are being utilized. Repeated: Yes Prerequisite Course(s): STAT 5189. Credit(s): 1-6 hours.

STAT 6390. Advanced Topics in Statistics - Students study advanced topics in statistics. For doctoral students only.