Clint Richardson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Interim Chair
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Stephen F. Austin State University
Dr. Richardson's primary research interests are in Complex Analysis, specifically in conformal mapping, geometric function theory, and planar harmonic mappings. He also has a strong interest in math
pedagogy/content area reading, and pretty much any applications of mathematics---particularly in the physical sciences (Physics, Chemistry, etc.). His secondary interests are in topology, geometry, and math history.
Dr. Richardson grew up in Brownwood, Texas, did his undergraduate work in San Angelo, Texas, taught high school math/physics for four years at Brazoswood High School in Clute, Texas, went to graduate school in Lubbock, Texas, and now lives in East Texas---so he has moved back and forth between humid and semi-arid climates. Outside of class, his interests are very eclectic, but include: reading, learning martial arts (particularly Chinese internal styles like tai chi chu'an), watching football (How 'bout them Cowboys?!?), playing video/computer games, and stupid jokes/puns.
Degrees Earned:
Ph.D., Texas Tech University (2002)
B.S., Angelo State University (1993)