Undergraduate Courses in Mathematics and Statistics

(MATH or STAT prefix)

MATH 0398 (MTH 098). Introductory Algebra - 3 semester hours. A non-credit course designed to prepare students to be successful in MATH 0199. Basic operations and properties of real numbers, geometry, beginning algebraic concepts, simplification, linear equations, applications, linear graphs and polynomials. Includes instruction in proper mathematical organization and math-specific study skills. May be required of students with a marginal background in mathematics.

MATH 0199 (MTH 099). Intermediate Algebra - 1-3 semester hours. A non-credit course designed to prepare students to be successful in entry-level credit math classes. Properties of real numbers, techniques of algebraic simplification, first- and second-order equations, linear inequalities, sets, functions, graphs, polynomials, rational expressions, radicals and applications. Instruction in proper mathematical organization, communication and math-specific study skills. May be required of students with a marginal background in mathematics.

MATH 1314 (MTH 138). College Algebra - 3 semester hours. Mathematical models; solving equations; creating, interpreting and graphing functions. Particular focus is given to polynomial, exponential and logarithmic functions. Prerequisites: MATH 0199 or TSI complete/exempt status in mathematics.

MATH 1316 (MTH 133). Plane Trigonometry - 3 semester hours. Trigonometric functions of angles, radian measure, fundamental identities; addition, product and half-angle formulas, solution of triangles; polar coordinates; inverse trigonometric functions and complex numbers. Prerequisites: MATH 0199 or TSI complete/exempt status in mathematics.

MATH 1318 (MTH 139). Plane Analytic Geometry - 3 semester hours. A beginning course in plane analytic geometry including the straight line, the circle, parabola, hyperbola, and the transformation of coordinates. Prerequisites: MATH 1314 and 1316 or the equivalent.

MATH 1324 (MTH 143). Finite Mathematics - 3 semester hours. Mathematical functions and graphs, linear systems of equations, matrices, linear programming, mathematics of finance and applications. Prerequisites: MATH 0199 or TSI complete/exempt status in mathematics.

MATH 1325 (MTH 144). Elements of Calculus with Applications for Business - 3 semester hours. Limits and continuity, the derivative, the anti-derivative, the definite integral and applications. Prerequisite: MATH 1314 or MATH 1324.

MATH 1332 (MTH 110). Math in Society - 3 semester hours. Provides an introduction to mathematical thinking emphasizing analysis of information for decision-making. Prerequisites: MATH 0199 or TSI complete/exempt status in mathematics.

MATH 1342 (MTH 220). Introduction to Probability and Statistics - 3 semester hours. Probability, random variables, mean and variance, binomial distribution, normal distribution, statistical inference, and linear regression. Prerequisites: MATH 0199 or TSI complete/exempt status in mathematics.

MATH 1350 (MTH127). Introduction to Foundations of Mathematics I - 3 semester hours. Properties of the natural numbers, integers, rational and real number systems, and number theory with an emphasis on problem-solving and critical thinking. Prerequisites: MATH 0199 or TSI complete/exempt status in mathematics.

MATH 1351 (MTH128). Intermediate Mathematics for Elementary Teachers - 3 semester hours. Elementary concepts of geometry and measurement, probability, and statistics with an emphasis on problem solving and critical thinking. Prerequisite: MATH 1350.

MATH 1352 (MTH129). Concepts and Applications - 3 semester hours. Problem-solving and critical-thinking skills applied to the study of a broad range of topics, including number theory, sequences and series, recursion, data analysis, and mathematical modeling and algebra, including connections to the grades EC-6 classroom. Prerequisites: MATH 1350 and 1351.

MATH 2211 (MTH 140). Precalculus A - 2 semester hours. This is a preparatory course for the calculus sequence, including properties and graphs of algebraic, exponential and logarithmic functions and their inverses; systems of linear equations and matrices; and overview of conic sections. Prerequisites: Math SAT score of at least 500 or math ACT score of 21 or departmental permission. Co-requisite Course(s): MATH 2011.

MATH 2212 (MTH 140). Precalculus B - 2 semester hours. This is a preparatory course for the calculus sequence, including triangular and circular trigonometric function derivation; special triangles; graphs, domains/ranges, asymptotes and transformation of circular functions and their inverses; fundamental trigonometric identities; conic sections; and polar and rectangular coordinate systems. Prerequisites: C or better in MATH 2211 or departmental permission. Co-requisite Course(s): MATH 2012.

MATH 2412 (MTH 140). Precalculus - 4 semester hours. Preparatory for the calculus sequence: properties and graphs of algebraic, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric (with inverses); fundamental trigonometric identities, conic sections, polar and rectangular coordinate systems. Prerequisites: MATH 0199 or TSI complete/exempt status in mathematics; minimum math score of 25 on the ACT or 600 on SAT.

MATH 2313 (MTH 233). Calculus I - 3 semester hours. Limits, continuity, differential calculus of algebraic and transcendental functions with applications, basic antidifferentiation with substitution, definite integrals. Prerequisite: MATH 1318 or MATH 2412 or MATH 2212. Co-requisite Course(s): MATH 2113.

MATH 2314 (MTH 234). Calculus II - 3 semester hours. Applications and techniques of integration, improper integrals, infinite series and power series. Prerequisite: MATH 2313 and MATH 2113. Co-requisite Course(s): MATH 2114.

MATH 2190 (MTH 264). Elementary Topics in Mathematics and Statistics - 1-3 semester hours. Elementary topics in scientific computing, algebra, number theory, applied mathematics, geometry, probability and statistics. May be repeated once for credit on a different topic. Does not count toward a major or minor in mathematics.

MATH 2195 (MTH 275). Special Problems - 1-3 semester hours. Individual in-depth study or research in special topics in mathematics, statistics, or mathematics education beyond the core mathematics curriculum. May be taken for honors credit.

MATH 3180. Seminar in Mathematics I - 1 semester hour. Student participation in general and specific topics in mathematics, primarily focused on developing elementary skills required in mathematical fields. Mathematical models will serve as the tool to build investigatory skills and mathematical curiosity. May be repeated for credit on a different seminar topic with departmental approval. Prerequisite: MATH 2314 or concurrent enrollment.

MATH 3300 (MTH 300). Foundations of Mathematics - Set theory, relations, functions, mathematical structure, logic and proof. Includes historical connections. MATH 1352 and MATH 1314.

MATH 3301 (MTH 301). Concepts of Calculus - Limiting processes and other concepts of calculus. Includes analysis of numerical approaches to problem solving using technology and appropriate software with historical and grades 4-8 classroom connections. Students will be required to have a graphing calculator. Prerequisite: MATH 3300.

MATH 3302 (MTH 302). Concepts in Geometry - Survey of geometric topics with an emphasis on trigonometry and Euclidean geometry. Includes historical and grades 4-8 classroom connections. Prerequisite: MTH 3300.

MATH 3315 (MTH 333). Calculus III - 3 semester hours plus 1 hour lab MATH 3115. Vectors, vector operations, and vector functions; multivariate functions, partial derivatives, gradients, and multiple integrals; integration in vector fields, Green’s, Stokes’, and the Divergence theorems. Prerequisite: MTH 2314. Co-requisite Course(s): MATH 3115.

MATH 3320 (MTH 305). Introduction to Numerical Methods - 3 semester hours. Basic numerical and computational techniques used in the solution of mathematical problems in the real world: approximation of functions, roots and systems of equations, numerical integration, interpolation and curve-fitting, and machine computation. Prerequisites: MATH 2314 and CSCI 1302 or equivalent.

MATH 3325. Computational Linear Algebra - 3 semester hours. This course includes fundamental concepts of linear algebra in the concrete setting of n-space with applications to problems arising from mathematics, applied mathematics and other fields. Prerequisite: MATH 2314 and MATH 2114.

MATH 3330 (MTH 337). Differential Equations - 3 semester hours. Solving of differential equations of physics, chemistry and engineering, and a study of the characteristics of the solutions. Prerequisite: MATH 3315.

MATH 3340 (MTH 359). Probability Modeling - 3 semester hours. Elementary probability laws, conditional probability, the language of random variables and stochastic processes, modeling with discrete and continuous probability distributions, applications among various stochastic processes, methods of estimating parameters.

MATH 3345 (MTH 360). Statistical Inference - 3 semester hours. Covariance and correlation, sampling distributions, development and data analysis concerning one/two/many sample location tests and confidence intervals. Analysis of variance and simple linear regression, chi-squared tests for categorical data. Use of technology and/or statistical software throughout. Prerequisites: MATH 3315 (or concurrent enrollment) and 3340.

MATH 3360 (MTH 311). Introduction to Modern Mathematics - 3 semester hours. Introduction to logic, basic properties of sets, relations, functions, one-to-one functions, set equivalence, Cantor’s Theorem, countable and uncountable sets. Prerequisite: MATH 2314.

MATH 3365 (MTH 317). Linear Algebra - 3 semester hours. Matrices, systems of linear equations, linear vector spaces, functions from Rn to Rm, determinants, eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Prerequisite: MTH 3360 or 2314 and consent of instructor.

MATH 3370 (MTH 351). College Geometry - 3 semester hours. Survey of topics from classical Euclidean geometry, modern Euclidean geometry, projective geometry, transformational geometry and non-Euclidean geometries. Prerequisites: MTH 3360.

MATH 4180 (MTH 463). Seminar in Mathematics II - 1-3 semester hours. This course involves student participation in general and specific topics in mathematics focusing on the expansion of problem-solving skills. Prerequisite: 4330 or concurrent enrollment.

MATH 4320 (MTH 412). Introduction to Algebraic Systems - 3 semester hours. Introduction to the study of algebraic systems with particular emphasis on concrete examples of the basic algebraic structures, groups, rings, integral domains and fields. Prerequisite: MATH 3360 and MATH 3365.

MATH 4325 (MTH 415). Number Theory - 3 semester hours. Properties of natural numbers. Unique factorization, residue solution of congruences, arithmetic functions, quadratic reciprocity law, distribution of primes. Diophantine equations, continued fractions, algebraic numbers. Prerequisite: MTH 3360.

MATH 4330 (MTH 439). Introduction to Analysis I - 3 semester hours. Elements of point set theory, and an in-depth study of the basic ideas of sequences, limits, continuity and differentiability. Prerequisites: MTH 3315 and 3360.

MATH 4335 (MTH 440). Introduction to Analysis II - 3 semester hours. Continuation of MATH 4330 with topics in Taylor, Fourier and other special series, and an in-depth study of Riemann-Darboux Integration. Prerequisite: MATH 4330.

MATH 4190 (MTH 464). Advanced Topics in Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics - 1-3 semester hours. Topics in abstract algebra, analysis, applied mathematics, geometry, probability and statistics, topology, or the teaching of mathematics. May be repeated once for credit on a different topic.

MATH 4195 (MTH 475). Special Problems - 1-3 semester hours. Study and research for individual instruction of the undergraduate student. Not available for graduate credit. Prerequisite: 15 semester hours of mathematics and an overall minimum B average in college work completed.

MATH 4196 (MTH 476). Special Problems - 1-3 semester hours. Same as 4195 for credit in a different topic. Study and research for individual instruction of the undergraduate student. Not available for graduate credit. Prerequisites: 15 semester hours of mathematics and an overall minimum B average in college work completed.

STAT 3342 (STA 320). Statistical Methods - 3 credit hours. Analysis of variance, regression analysis and nonparametric methods. The course will stress the use of computer packages MINITAB or SAS and the interpretation of the outputs. Prerequisite: MATH 1342.

STAT 3343 (STA 321). Nonparametric Statistics - 3 credit hours. Contingency table analysis, rank tests for one, two and many sample problems, rank correlation, introduction to nonparametric regression. Prerequisite: MATH 1342.

STAT 3344 (STA 322). Statistical Modeling - 3 credit hours. Regression and model building, measure of model adequacy, transformations, prediction.Prerequisites: STAT 3342.

STAT 3346 (STA 327). Experimental Design and Analysis - 3 credit hours. Analysis of variance, single factor completely randomized designs, blocking and Latin square designs. Multifactor experiments including factorial experiments, nested, blocked and splitplot designs, analysis of covariance. Quality control, acceptance sampling, reliability issues. SAS or other statistical software used throughout. Report writing, data driven problems and/or case studies incorporated throughout. Prerequisite: STAT 3342.

STAT 3348. Predictive Modeling - 3 credit hours. A broad overview of various statistical methods with an emphasis in predictive modeling and R programming. Topics can include statistical learning, classification, advanced feature selection methods, bootstrap, cross validation, tree algorithms, unsupervised learning, and Bayesian concepts. Prerequisite: STAT 3342.