Undergraduate Studies

The Limitless Opportunities in Mathematics

A Bachelor of Science Degree in Mathematics is one of the most versatile degrees available. Many of the graduates with this degree have found their talents in great demand in the teaching profession, in business, industry, government, and in scientific research. It is this versatility that allows a graduate in mathematics to adjust to any unexpected shift in demand from one of these areas to another.

Mathematics majors learn to think independently and to analyze and solve problems. This analytic ability is needed in research within the areas of aircraft design, biology, chemistry, computer science, defense, economics, engineering, geology, medicine, physics, space, and other areas.

Technological advances have created a demand for the ability mathematicians develop to analyze and to make the best use of the available computers.

Pursuing a degree in mathematics offers many challenges and rewards; obtaining the degree offers the graduate opportunities to utilize proven talents.

Transforming Difficult Decisions into Normal Problems Using Statistics

Statistics is a highly applicable mathematical science that seeks to determine the tendencies of a group of people or things that are being studied. Knowing the tendencies of people, agricultural crops, or diseases permits us to better understand our world and to determine what needs to be done to improve it.

Both applied and mathematical statisticians can perform diverse duties. Mathematical statisticians develop the statistical theory and procedures with regard to collecting meaningful data and analyzing, presenting, and interpreting the collected data.

Applied statisticians collect and analyze numerical data, using proven statistical procedures, to aid in making decisions in almost every area of study. Some of the diverse fields in which statistics has extensive applications are actuarial science, agriculture, biology, business, economics, engineering, health and medicine, law, psychology, quality control, and sociology. Statistical research has made great progress in helping to provide a better understanding of the various problems in these fields.

Degrees Preparing the Foundation for Mathematical Careers

button The Bachelor of Science Degree in Mathematics prepares students for work in industry and for graduate work in mathematics or statistics.

button The Bachelor of Science Degree with Mathematics as a Teaching Field Major prepares students to teaching mathematics in the public schools.

button The Undergraduate Mathematics Minor prepares students who primary interest is in another field that makes extensive use of mathematics.

button The Undergraduate Applied Statistics Minor prepares students who primary interest is in another field that makes extensive use of statistics.

Mathematics Students Enjoy Activities Which Mix Fun with Scholarship

button The Texas Delta Chapter of Pi Mu Epsilon, a national honorary mathematics fraternity, is directed by student officers for students interested in mathematics. Interesting lectures on mathematics are presented at its meetings. The club's annual activities include the selection of a duke and duchess for the university's homecoming celebration, a Christmas party, a spring banquet, and a picnic to end the year. These activities draw both students and faculty together and often result in many lasting friendships.

button The William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition has students from Stephen F. Austin participating in this event which includes the best students in mathematics from colleges and universities in the United States and Canada.

button The R. W. Yeagy Colloquium Series consists of lectures on current mathematical and statistical research activity. The lectures are presented by local faculty as well as invited scholars from other universities, and are attended by both students and faculty.