520. Statistical Analysis I - Probability,
statistical inference, rank tests, chi-square tests, linear
regression and correlation, analysis of variance, multiple regression.
Prerequisite: MTH 220 or
521. Statistical Analysis II - Analysis of variance,
multiple comparisons, blocking designs, higher
factorial experiments, unbalanced designs, fixed and random effects
nested designs, split-plot designs, analysis of covariance.
Prerequisite: STA 520
or equivalent.
522. Regression Analysis -
Linear regression, estimation of residuals, nonlinear models, multiple
regression. Prerequisites: STA 520 and MTH 317.
523. Stochastic Processes -
Markov chains, Poisson and renewal Processes, continuous
time Markov processes including birth and death processes, queueing
theory. Prerequisite: MTH 502.
524. Applied Multivariate Analysis - Cluster analysis,
factor-analysis, discriminant
analysis, canonical correlation analysis, and multivariate analysis of
variance and
covariance. Prerequisites: STA 520 and MTH 317.
525. Applied Nonparametric Statistics -
Introduction to basic nonparametric statistical methods with
applications drawn from the life sciences, behavioral and social
sciences, earth sciences, business and policy
sciences, and forestry. Prerequisite: STA 520.
526. Applied Time Series - Time
series of regression,
autocorrelation and partial
autocorrelation functions, autoregressive moving average models, model
and specification techniques, stationarity and invertibility
conditions, seasonal and
nonseasonal modeling, forecasting. Prerequisites: STA 520 and MTH 317.
564. Advanced Topics In Statistics - Topics in
statistics. May be repeated for credit on a different
topic with departmental approval. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in
mathematics and consent of instructor.
575.* Advanced Graduate Studies - 1 to 3 conference
hours per week.
Individual studies in statistics. May be repeated for credit on
a different topic with departmental approval. Prerequisite: Graduate
standing in mathematics and approval by department chairman.
576.* Advanced Graduate Studies - 1 to 3 conference
hours per week. Same
as 575 for credit in a different topic.
589.** Thesis Research - 1 to 3 semester hours.
Research and preparation for writing the thesis. Prerequisite: Approval
of graduate adviser.
590.** Thesis Writing - 3 to 9 semester hours.
Writing of thesis. Prerequisite: STA 589.
* No more than 6 semester hours of Advanced Graduate Studies
credit may be counted toward a degree without
special permission from the Dean of the College.
** Once a student begins work on a thesis he or she must register for
589 and/or 590 each semester or summer
session until the thesis is completed. A student may not register for
590 until the thesis proposal is
approved. A maximum of three semester hours each of 589 and 590 will be
counted toward the M.S. in mathematics
or statistics or mathematics teaching.